As part of our blended learning approach, we offer online webinars and web-based training courses on various topics in addition to our open seminars and in-house training courses. You can use our e-learning offer to prepare for, follow-up on and accompany seminars.
In our webinars you experience presentations from lecturers together with other participants live on the screen at a fixed time. As in a classroom seminar, you also have the opportunity to ask questions. This means that you can gain a professional overview
of a topic even before attending a seminar or at the beginning of a course. By the way – many of our webinars are free of charge. Try it out – it’s easy to use, and the added value is enormous!
With our web-based training you can continue your training online completely at your own pace – when, where, as much and as often as you like! In compact learning modules you acquire lean knowledge, refresh it or expand it. You can skip learning modules that you already know and have mastered and repeat learning-intensive modules as often as you like. Practical exercises and tests help you to test and consolidate your acquired knowledge.
In our webinars you can learn conveniently from your own PC – wherever you are, without any travel expenses and with even more flexibility. In our webinars you meet with lecturers and other participants at a fixed time in a virtual seminar room on the internet. Experience lecturer’s presentations with audio and video live on screen. Of course, interaction and exchange among participants are also of great importance here and you can ask lecturers questions as in a classic face-to-face seminar: Either via chat window or directly via your headset.
Enjoy the new freedom of location-independent learning. Many of the webinars we offer are free of charge. In our webinars on various topics, you can, for example, you can get a rough overview of a topic and thus the opportunity to gain a taste of a topic with a manageable amount of time before attending a seminar or at the beginning of a consultation project. Try it out – it’s easy to use, and the added value is enormous!
Percorso formativo in modalità E-learning: Impara quando e dove vuoi
With our online training you will be able to learn easily, flexibly and conveniently, without travel expenses, wasted time and schedules to keep, simply by using your device and following our trainings wherever, whenever and for as long as you wish.
New tools and ways of working have had to be developed in recent years to cope with the effects of pandemic, conflict and innovation. This has taught us that technology has limits but opens up new opportunities toward the green economy and smart working.
What needs does it address
This training course was created to meet the need to build a common skill base by training several people, either at the same time or at different periods, to ensure training consistency among employees with different seniority, experience and skills.
It finds application in support of Lean Transformation projects, as an accelerant for change, and knowledge unification processes, as a means of knowledge dissemination.
Ensures adaptability to different business and personal situations: different times and places, also enabling the reduction of costs incurred by the organization.
How to use
Training is delivered in the form of courses, used as “building blocks” of customized pathways that are enjoyed individually by learners.
Each course consists of a sequence of videos followed by skills assessment questionnaires. One of our consultants will follow you in defining the ideal training path to meet your needs and in customizing the platform to your business standards. Training will be perceived as a company asset and will strengthen your image in relation to employees.
The learner and the company can know in real-time the progress of the course with automatic course analysis. Clarity and awareness of results are the basis of the training pathway. Dedicated forums and communication channels within the platform can be activated to stimulate participation and active discussion among learners.
A final discussion with a STAUFEN. expert is available at the conclusion of the training to answer learners’ questions and stimulate reflection on what has been learned.
What are the contents
The contents are short videos that allow you to acquire:
» “Technical” skills: tools, methods and approaches;
» “Social” skills: people management, change management and communication; fundamental to each learner in his or her role, through the sharing of expert knowledge and experience and the support of ad hoc presentations.
Benefits over traditional training
1. Scalability: you can train a few or many people and add trainees at any time
2. Flexibility: content and training course can be designed and customized according to specific needs
3. Accessibility: content is usable according to the work and personal needs of learners, even in different places and time moments
3. Efficiency: the unit cost and organizational effort required are reduced
4. Uniformity: training can be repeated using the same content to create common and widespread knowledge
5. Traceability: the progress of the route is monitored and its completion is guaranteed and measured
6. Certification: the acquisition of skills is attested by intermediate assessment questionnaires
7. Employee engagement: the platform is a valuable means of spreading company values, and its customization allows for an increased sense of belonging to the company
8. Dynamic learning: the platform allows each learner to learn about the evolution of his or her path and encourages him or her to compare with colleagues within the discussion forums
» Approaches and principles of lean manufacturing and lean organization
» Basic management methodologies
» Methods of applying Lean fundamentals
- Standard Work
- Visual Management
- Fondamenti di Lean Thinking
- 5S negli Uffici
- Sales Plan
- Viaggio nella Smart Factory
…and many others!
The videos available are constantly being updated: we’ll wait here for you to find out what’s new!