When we received your application portfolio, we will send you an email to confirm receipt. Your papers will then be reviewed as soon as possible by our HR business partners and the appropriate department. If your application is not a good fit for us, you will receive a message as quickly as possible so that you can focus on other applications.
If we feel that you might be a good match for Staufen, we will start out by making arrangements for a phone interview.
If it goes well, we will then invite you to an interview in person, followed by a second interview. Depending on what position you apply for, your application process may also include relevant case studies, presentations or job shadowing.
It is our goal to make the application process both as thorough and as lean and rapid as possible. We aspire to give you a definitive yes or no after about 10 weeks.

Based on our experience.
Think about your willingness to travel.
As a consultant at Staufen, you will spend a lot of time on the road. This is a topic you should resolve in advance with the people closest to you, particularly your family. You need to have a class B driver’s license to be a consultant.
Prepare your documents
We need a cover letter, a clearly structured resume and copies of your most important transcripts, job references and certificates. If you are not an EU citizen, we also need a scan or a digital copy of your work permit and visa.
Provide specific information
If you are applying for an internship, a position as a university trainee or want to write a thesis, please indicate the desired timeframe and let us know if this is a voluntary or mandatory internship.
Apply online only
Not only does your digital application expedite the process; it also helps us keep our office as paperless as possible. You only need to fill out our application form and upload three separate documents: your cover letter, resume and your transcripts / references (PDF, max. 5 MB. per file). If you are applying for multiple positions at once, fill out only one form, and you can simply indicate any further preferences in your cover letter.
Prepare for the interview
When you talk with us, show us what you want to achieve in the future, and tell us the topics that enthuse you. And take advantage of the opportunity to ask us questions. After all, you are not only presenting yourself to us, we are presenting ourselves to you. By the way, we don’t have a dress code for the interview. Just be your authentic self.