Executive coaching
“Ideally, the executive is actually the client”
Mr. Luik, which executives do companies send to you for executive coaching?
Ideally, nobody is sent, but the executive is actually the client.
Because no one at the company should find out, since it could be seen as a sign of weakness?
Of course, confidentiality plays a big role. After all, coaching often takes place in the context of strategic decisions or change processes. But the reason why I like to coach managers who have sought out coaching themselves is simply because they are more motivated and much more open.
Why do motivated top executives seek coaching?
The higher the position, the less likely an executive is to receive objective and qualified feedback. An executive coach’s neutral perspective is meant to help executives reflect on their own leadership behavior. Clear expectation: Exchanging with a professional sparring partner will help me improve.
That sounds a bit self-centered?
No, it is simply professional. Today’s top management has to accomplish Herculean tasks: Entrepreneurial complexity is increasing, technologies and markets are transforming faster than ever, and entire business models are being put to the test. In addition, constantly changing corporate structures and increasingly agile work environments demand executives to have a high degree of flexibility and a broad understanding of roles.
With this in mind, what is your goal in coaching?
It is important for executives to always formulate a specific coaching goal for themselves. Since professional success is significantly influenced by leadership style and leadership skills, the most important goals are to expand communication skills, to use leadership skills more purposefully, to resolve conflicts with greater confidence, to achieve goals faster, and to strengthen one’s overall position as an executive.